I've already fallen in love with you, and.. i like the feeling LUBJOO
Sunday, April 25, 2004

Oppss.. soRi agaIN.. so Long nv UpdaTE lE.. hahaXx.. er.. buSy laTely.. hHmm.. siAn.. actUaLLy goiNg out To stUdy wiTh tri mIng n EugEne de.. bUt LEg Very VEYr paIn... hAixx.. ThInk YDay Nv DO proPer waRm-up bEfoRe RUnNing.. hAixx.. Now damN pain loH.. walK a bIt.. kaoxx. the paIn.. uNbearabLe.. hMm.. duNno wanNa go scH tmL not.. coxx.. we takIng clasS phOto tmL.. hMm.. aLso our daNce noT compLetE yEt.. Haix.. TuesDay skIt Le.. Omg Omg oMg.. so PaiSEh.. LoLxx. Nvm Nvm.. hHmm.. noW pracTicinG how to waLk properlY.. hahAxx.. but sTiLL paiN.. a.. Nvm.. hhMm. sianxx. nOWdayS gt manY things HappeN.. haiX.. reaLLy dunNo hoW to HandLe.. mId-Yr comIng alsO.. but i aM noT in stuDy moOd.. hAixx.. spORts daY coMing soOn toO.. sianxx.. K ba.. gd Luck evEryoNe. foR ur ExamSs.. take cAree..
~e[n]d at 4.30pm~

Sunday, April 18, 2004

opPss soRiii so Long Nv updaTe Le.. toO buSy nowDayS.. gt TestSs.. nEeD to Do lOTs Of arT supPOrtINg stuDiEsss.. gt Lots Of hw.. tuitioN..Omg.. sTreSsss.. HAixx.. nO choICe lOh. hHmm.. weLL.. todaY dUN have pIaNO agaIn.. HAIxx.. wheN caN staRt piaNo.. Hmm.. toDay woKe up.. plaY gb.. Lolx.. so fuNny.. Hahax.. er.. thn.. went to visIT my GranDma.. She saY she nt FeeLing weLL.. aftEr thaT come Backk.. Do art.. HAixx.. so rusH loh arT.. goNna dieee lE.. Geex.. Er.. nTh mUch AlSo la.. hmm wAtch heLLboY yDaY with triSh n cHEngg.. quITe nICee.. bUT abIT too viOleNt.. the GrapHicss.. Hahx.. eR.. ntH mUch le.. StoP heRe le Baa.. hhmm.. visITorss.. do TaG if U waN.. HeHExx.. sTop HerE le Ba.. Take CAre guYsss

~E[n]d at 6.51pm ~

oH ya.. TonIGht gOt chaRitY shOW.. 5566 PErfORmINg!! hEhex.. pLS caLL 1099 112 6833 wOrx.. 3 caLLs enouGh le.. Hahx..

Sunday, April 11, 2004

sOri GuyS ydaY nV uPdaTe. hHmm.. anYway yDay Went To waTCh inTo the miRroR.. hhmM.. noT reaLLy tHat ScaRy.. maYbe soME paRts Yes.. bUt thE loGic oF thE miRRor MakEs seNSe.. thE main ActOR so Ke ai.. hiS expResSions.. lOlx.. hhMm.. thn todaY no pIano LesSons agAin.. aGRh duNNo waT mY tEachEr doINg.. siAnx.. nvm.. hHmm.. WoKe up at abt 2 plus.. Hahax.. i noE.. pIggg.. sUppOse To mEet trI eU n MiNG aT 1 at bedok Mac.. HAhax.. bUt nVm.. reach Mac At abt 3 plUss.. started DOiNg hw.. chatTing.. saw a pAir of LEsbIans.. thiNK yoUnger Thn uS lo.. oMg..HAhax.. nTh mUch loH today.. juS doinG hw.. chatTIng.. joKing.. thn Got to Noe alOt of ThiNGs abT our scH TeacHErss. OMg.. uNbeliEvabLe.. kaoXxx.. canNOt imAginE lOhx.. yUckXx.. somMoRe i thiNk ouR chI tEachEr chanGE to That MRs Tan sAi KeE! goD.... EeEeeee... shE!! yUCKS.. i wan MDm GOh Lo.. AlTHough Her lEsSoon SometimeS abIT boRIng.. buT mUCh mORe bEtter thn thaT saiKEe riHgt.. AhHa.. nvm.. foRget it.. hMm.. toDay gt Nkf Show.. omg The stoRy so touchiNg.. HAix.. reMember to caLL 1900 112 6855/33/66 .. hahax.. NExt SUn stiLL gt.. hhMm.. kk.. think i'LL stop HEre Ba.. gt scH TmL.. siaNxx.. Tak CaRe frenxx.. ^^*
~[End at 9.31pm]~

Friday, April 09, 2004

Sianxx Day toDayy.. eaRLy in The moRniNG weNt to "sao mu" n pRay For mY GrandFatHEr n FatHEr's gRandmoTher.. HahAx.. afTEr thAt go MeEt tRisH at Macc.. sAW kiNmun n toonYun.. thN we go ALvin'S houSeee... actuaLLy waNna watCh pAssiOn oF tHE chRisT at aLvin's houSeee buT he DUn hAve Dvd plAyer.. -.- hhMmx.. thn tHey canT figUR eout How to coNnect n uSe plaYstatiOn2 to waTch Dvd.. thN enD up.. haLf afTErnoOn goNe.. stOning At alvin's housE.. siaNnxxx.. tOok a VEry Long tiMe to deCide whEre to go afTer thAt.. somE wenT hoMe.. ym, alvin n Jer weNt bowLing.. me n TriSh wannA go bAck tm.. buT we tOok thE same buS As miNg n Frenx.. End up takIng a detouR back To tm.. -.- -.- -.- wasTEd so mUch tIme.. HAhahxx.. hhMm.. afTEr thAt wenT to Eat kFc wiTh triSshhh saW pS that gAng.. hAhaxx.. hhMm.. thn aftEr that go bAck Le.. Nth mUch lO todaY.. so Sianxx.. tmL gt Skit rehEarsaLs from 9-1.. hAixx.. anothEr tiRing daY.. -.- kKxx.. stop Here bAa.. lOlx.. soRi for mY nonSenSe aGaInx..
~E[n]d at 8.53 pm ^^*

Thursday, April 08, 2004

hiYeE pPlee.. my FirSt oFficiaL enTry.. lOlx.. speciAL thankS to ShirLEy mEI.. For hELping mE to Set up thiS blOggIE.. LubJoo.. HahAx.. jkJkx.. Thx alOt arH meI.. ^^* eHxx.. toDay ISh a TirIng dayyy..~~ lUckY gt 2 FrEe periODs.. coX i nT takIng amAths.. THn can do ur Own thiNGs In cLass.. Hahax.. er.. toDay chEmistrY reMediaL canceL.. Hahax.. toDay quiTe fRee Worx.. BUt Thn gt SpeeCh daY reheaRsaL afTer scH.. SIanx.. -.- waiT tiLL so LOng.. 4+ comINg to 5 thn sTArt.. -.- -.- -.- so TiReddd... thn Mus waIt foR the WholE thiNg to eNd b4 we caN go HOme.. aGRhx.. hHmm.. fatHer FetCh mE hoMe toDay.. Got tuItion aT 7.30.. TuiTIon lasTs For 2 HRss... End aT abt 10 pLUs.. oMg.. alreADy no EnergY Le.. can diEeeee.. luCky TmL gd friDay Lohx.. no Sch.. HEexx.. buT goiNg ouT to waTch pAssion oF thE chRist wiTh ym, triSh, alvin n FrEns.. aHhh.. thiNK wiLL be quITe scaRy ba.. Hahax.. okOK.. stoP herE Lee.. soRI for mY craPs.. HehEx.. takE caRe everyONee..
k[3]n^2 ^^*
~~End at 11.23 pm~~




all my lovely frens!
singing is my passion
my pet dog - sushi


to be alone


ipod nano
digi cam
Guess wallet
nintendo DS lite
go Bangkok!
get into uni!
sneakers/running shoes
bags for sch
couple watch
car license
lavender purple psp!
guess sliver perfume
iphone / F480


agnes's m0ments
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annice's multiply
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